Carl DeMaio Announces Bid for 50th Congressional District

DeMaio Is a Proven Reformer Who Will Shake Up Congress,

and Lead the Fight to Take Back California

San Diego – “Fight or Flee?” That’s the question many long-time Californians have been asking themselves lately because the extreme agenda of the state’s Democratic supermajority has made its cost of living unsustainable, brought filth and homelessness into its communities, infringed on Constitutional freedoms, and put the welfare of criminals over that of law-abiding citizens.

Today longtime taxpayer advocate and Reform California leader Carl DeMaio today announced he’s running for US Congress because he wants to lead the fight to save California from socialism – and he’s calling on common-sense Californians to join the fight rather than fleeing.

“Too many Californians are fleeing our state because of the extreme socialist agenda being imposed on us by Democrat politicians, but I refuse to flee: I choose to stand and fight,” said DeMaio. “In California, voters have mostly only been given two choices: socialists or ineffective cowards,” DeMaio quipped noting his dissatisfaction with the poor performance of the Republican Party in the state in recent cycles particular in 2018.

“I believe California is at a tipping point and to take back our state, we need a new generation of California leaders who are willing to fight and have a record of leading by example and getting reform done,” DeMaio said.

Fresh off his role as leader of the 2018 Gas Tax Repeal Initiative campaign, Carl DeMaio is arguably California’s leading voice for reform – and DeMaio says he will use the platform of a Congressional seat to expand his initiatives and efforts to advance reform in the state.

“As an outsider, I’m proud of the grassroots army we have built to fight unfair tax hikes and shine a light on the failure and corruption in state and local government,” said DeMaio. “As a Member of Congress, I excited at the prospect of being able to bring additional resources and visibility to the fight to take back California,” DeMaio noted.

After a highly successful career in business (founding and selling two companies by his early 30s) Carl DeMaio first entered politics in 2008 by winning a seat on the San Diego City Council just as the city teetered on the brink of bankruptcy. DeMaio led the financial recovery of the city by defeating tax hikes at the ballot box in 2010 and then authored and won passage of a landmark Pension Reform Initiative in 2012.

Since then DeMaio has hosted a successful afternoon talk show on NewsRadio 600 KOGO and has served as Chairman of Reform California – a statewide grassroots group that fights tax hikes and proposed accountability reforms on government. In 2018, when special interests bought a vote of a State Senator to impose a costly gas and car tax, DeMaio led the campaign to recall that Senator from office – and won only the sixth successful recall in 106 years. To date, DeMaio’s campaigns to block tax hikes have saved over $3 billion for California taxpayers.

The primary for the 50th Congressional District is scheduled for March 3, 2019 – although a Special Election could be held in a matter of a few months pending resolution of the criminal case against the incumbent officeholder. “For too long the 50th District has not been represented by someone who can effectively advocate for them without being distracted by scandal, but that is about to change as I will take a far more proactive and hands-on approach to tackling the issues facing our neighborhoods whether they are federal, state or local,” DeMaio pledged.

For more information on DeMaio’s candidacy, visit



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