Bad Politician’s Lead to Even Worse Pollution

San Diego is known for its excellent beaches and stunning bays. Among the list of best beaches in the city; however, Imperial beach almost never comes up as one of them. If a citizen did want to visit Imperial Beach, they could face some problems. Just this year the beach was closed 51 days. The reason why is: pollution from the Tijuana river makes its way into our waters. 

This issue has been plaguing the coast and Imperial Beach for years while legislation concerning the issue has not been successful. A part of border security is the inclusion of environmental protection and when Democrats reject any legislation of border reform, it leads to the suffering of citizens.

With Mayor Kevin Faulconer being the first local politician to announce deliberation on pollution by the border, some might think that there is hope on the subject, but most “solutions” lack the proper routes. San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox, said “some of the projects would involve maybe expanding the capacity of that from 50 million gallons per day to maybe 100 million,” which only sidesteps the problem.

The reason Cox is acting on the issue is because of the recent surge of litigation such as lawsuits against the county. Even with this perfect opportunity to fight for the rights of the citizens who live in the county and to bring back tourism, most Democrats are ignoring the issue of security.

Congressmen Scott Peters (D-CA), Mike Levin (D-CA), and Juan Vargas (D-CA) instead of working towards border reform and security are now pursuing a bill to allow more government oversight through the EPA by providing them more money. Imperial Beach Mayor Serge Dedina has even said that he is, “Super stoked and grateful that our congressional delegation, Juan Vargas, Scott Peters, and Mike Levin are working together to get like a surgical bill package that targets certain federal agencies like the North American Development Bank and the EPA.”

This calls to question the lawmaking capabilities of the mayor and the congressmen considering they have done little to correct the problem. The south end of the beach has been closed since the beginning of 2019, and over 110 million gallons of sewage is still flowing into our ocean since April.

The crisis of the border has extended far beyond immigration for a long time. This is just one more manifestation of the poor policies that Democrats created and will be forced to confront.


Photo By Dustan Woodhouse