San Diego’s Disappointing Selection of Democrat Appointees for Supervisor: A Troubling History of Sexism, Inaction, and Divisiveness

San Diego Democrats’ Poor Selection of Candidates for Supervisor Fletcher’s Replacement

As San Diego County prepares to replace Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, people may find themselves disappointed with the selection of candidates put forth by the Democrats. With three current Democrat candidates in the running, all of them have serious issues that raise questions about their fitness for the position.

The first applicant, Councilman Sean Elo-Rivera, has a troubling history of alleged sexism. In fact, he has been publicly accused of such behavior by the City Attorney Mara Elliott. She claimed that he attempted to silence her and that expectations he and other council members expressed for her office had never been applied to her predecessors, all of whom were men. Furthermore, he has been accused of criticizing Elliott after she announced a proposed settlement before informing the City Council, with Elliott obliquely accusing him of sexism.

The second applicant, Councilmember Stephen Whitburn, has also come under fire for his inaction regarding an alleged rape that occurred in his own home. Despite the fact that he was present when the alleged assault occurred, he is accused of failing to intervene. This is a deeply concerning accusation, particularly as he is now being trusted to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against Nathan Fletcher in his role as MTS board chair.

The third applicant, Councilmember Monica Montgomery Steppe, is part of a statewide reparations task force seeking to separate the population based on race and allow resources to be used differently on citizens solely on race, not any other qualifiers. This approach is divisive and potentially discriminatory, raising questions about her commitment to fair and equal treatment for all residents of San Diego County.

Adding to the concerns around these three applicants is the fact that they are all close to Supervisor Nathan Fletcher. Given the allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment against Fletcher, voters may be understandably concerned about the possibility of another abusive individual taking his place.

The San Diego Democrats have a history of turning a blind eye to sexual misconduct allegations against their own members. This hypocrisy was on display in the cases of both Fletcher and Whitburn, as well as in previous allegations against former San Diego Democrat Party Chair Will Rodriguez-Kennedy and SDUSD Board Member Kevin Beiser. Instead of supporting victims of sexual assault and harassment, the Democrat Party has often chosen to protect their own.

As San Diego County prepares to vote for a new Supervisor, voters must consider these troubling issues and weigh them carefully. The selection of candidates put forth by the Democrats leaves much to be desired, and the potential for continued abuse of power by those in positions of authority must be taken seriously. Ultimately, voters must decide whether these candidates are fit to serve, or if a different approach is needed to bring about real change in San Diego County.

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