California in Crisis: Legislative Republicans Provide Hope and a Plan for the State’s Future

SACRAMENTO – In response to the governor’s media tour in lieu of delivering a traditional State of the State address, Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez (R- Murrieta) delivered the official joint response on behalf of both the Senate and Assembly Republicans in remarks that outline the severity of issues facing families across the state and identify priorities Republicans are acting on.

California is in crisis, Legislative Republicans have a plan to restore the Golden State by cutting costs, tackling crime, addressing homelessness, investing in education, building new water storage, and preventing wildfires.

“Assemblywoman Sanchez is exactly right,” said Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones. “California is in crisis and while the governor wants to glaze over the realities our families are facing, Republican lawmakers remain committed to fixing this broken state.”

“Now is the time to be bold,” said Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez. “Now is the time to bring back the luster to our beloved Golden State. I call on our colleagues from across the aisle to put Californians first. As Ronald Reagan said on his inauguration as California Governor in 1967, “If this is a dream, it’s a good dream, and it’s worthy of our generation and is worth passing on to the next.”’

“While the governor would rather skip facing legislators over his failures and put on a curated show for the media, Californians are looking for real answers,” said Assembly Republican Leader Gallagher. “Assemblywoman Sanchez’s comments provide those solutions and a true vision for Republican efforts to fulfill the California Promise.”

You can watch the official California Legislative Republican rebuttal response HERE.

To learn more about Senate Republican solutions to Fix California, CLICK HERE and to learn more about Assembly Republicans’ California Promise and solutions, CLICK HERE.