Job Performance Review for SANDAG’s Executive Director

One of the questions I get asked the most is, ‘What can I do to stop SANDAG’s plan?‘ This Friday is an important meeting and opportunity.

On Friday, the Executive Director at SANDAG, Hasan Ikhrata will have his performance review. If you’re like me and feel change is necessary at SANDAG, this is your chance to weigh in. Below is all the information on how to voice your opinion.

The Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 17 at 8:30am and will be held in person in the SANDAG Conference Room No. 7. The agenda item is #7.

While Executive Committee members will attend in person, members of the public will have the option of participating either in person or virtually. SANDAG’s headquarters are located at 401 B St #800, San Diego, CA 92101.

For public participation via Zoom webinar, click the link to join the meeting: Webinar ID: 868 2909 0764

To participate via phone, dial a number based on your current location in the US: +1 (669) 900-6833.

If you’re unable to attend, you can write an email comments to the Clerk at

Honoring a Hero

It was my distinct privilege  to honor one of the greatest fighter pilot ever recorded in military history and a true Hero — Captain E. Royce Williams, during our Board of Supervisors meeting.

Aew tales of heroism and bravery can match the incredible feat of Lieutenant E. Royce Williams, a pilot with Fighter Squadron 781 who served on the USS Oriskany during the Korean War.

On November 18, 1952, LT. Williams participated in a major strike against an industrial complex near the North Korea-Russian border. Later that day, he led a four-plane F9F-5 “Panther” Combat Air Patrol to defend the Carrier Task Force 77.

Encountering seven superior Russian MiG-15s, the other three Panthers had to return due to complications. But Williams, undaunted, unhesitatingly and with no regard for personal safety or risk of life, engaged the enemy in what is now described as the longest dogfight in the history of the US Navy.

For nearly 40 minutes, Williams’ superb pilot skills and gunnery accounted for six MiGs downed, effectively stopping the attack against the USS Oriskany in its tracks. In recognition of his heroic actions, he was awarded “Ace in a Day” for shooting down five or more enemy MiG-15s, an honor received by only a handful of pilots.

Meals on Wheels:

Meals on Wheels is an essential service that provides nutritious meals and social interaction to homebound seniors and individuals with disabilities. Last week, I had the opportunity to volunteer and meet some of our North County seniors who are part of the program.

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond