District Attorney Summer Stephan takes on Homelessness in the wake of Democrat’s Failure

DA Summer Stephan’s Innovative Homeless Shelter App Set to Improve Lives in San Diego

by Jordan Gascon

District Attorney Summer Stephan has taken a stand on the homelessness crisis in San Diego by proposing a new phone app that will link homeless residents with shelter beds. The app is expected to inform outreach workers in real-time about available shelter beds that fit unhoused residents’ needs.

The $300,000 pilot aims to create a system that will address the shortage of available shelters and help identify the types of shelters that the region needs to add. Stephan’s vision for the app has been developed with input from stakeholders, including the Regional Task Force on Homelessness.

Stephan acknowledges that the city of San Diego, which is home to the largest share of the region’s unhoused population and shelters, has not yet officially signed on to the app. However, she is confident that the city will ultimately come on board.

Stephan’s move to tackle the homelessness crisis highlights the failure of the Democrat Party to provide effective policies to address the issue. She is taking matters into her own hands by creating a well-thought-out product that complements the efforts of the city of San Diego and provides a solution to the shortage of available shelters.

The app is expected to launch within six months and include shelters countywide by the end of the year, providing a glimmer of hope for the many homeless residents of San Diego. Stephan’s initiative is a step towards addressing the homeless crisis in San Diego, and it serves as an example of how officials can take bold steps to provide practical solutions to problems.

Image Credit: Canva