Governor Newsom Wants to Keep People with a Disability from Working

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill that looks to restrict those on CalPERS who re-enter the workforce after retiring on disability.

The law states that before they can return to work, they must have stayed unemployed for 180 days, work less than 960 hours per year and once they find another job, that the new job doesn’t have the same duties as their previous one. It also requires that their employers report the duties of disability retirees to CalPERS so they can verify they are eligible for work.

The retirees are strictly regulated when they re-enter the workforce. Just because the retirees feel they need to supplement their pension with another source of income does not justify the harsh restrictions placed on them by the governor. California’s cost of living is one of the worst in the nation.

Governor Newsom has taken a stance against the idea of working, and it’s hurting the citizens of California. The citizens have the right to work no matter the disability, and if someone on disability feels the need to work it is a critique on the governing power for not doing enough for them.

This law looks to punish those who want to work, and this shows Newsom’s privilege for he is so out of touch with his State he thinks someone can afford to live in California on disability alone even though he keeps raising the cost of living.

This looks to punish those who earned their pensions and want to continue working to supplement their income. This is all while Newsom continuously raised the cost of living here in California and wastefully spent money on a high-speed rail with costs well into the billions for a train that no one needs. CalPERS spokeswoman Amy Morgan said that when the law takes effect, disability retiree’s cases will be evaluated individually and if they are found to violate the new law, they will have to reinstate in CalPERS or lose the pension they received. 

The bill was signed into law on July 12 and takes effect January 1, 2020.


Photo by Vlad Sargu