Democrats’ Hypocrisy Exposed

Democrats’ Hollow Promises to Communities of Color and Low-Income Families: Democrats Propose Surveillance Cameras in Non-White Neighborhoods

Today, I want to draw your attention to the Democrats’ hypocrisy in their treatment of non-white and low-income communities. While Democrats talk about being there for these communities, in reality, they target them with more policing and implement programs that take away their freedoms and implement a tougher quality of life. San Diego Police Department’s recent proposal to install 500 new streetlight surveillance cameras, including license plate readers, throughout the city is a case in point.

The San Diego Police Department claims that these technologies will provide “objective, real-time and investigative leads,” but members of the TRUST SD Coalition have many questions about where the data will go and how it will be used. While SDPD claims that video footage not accessed for investigative purposes will be overwritten after 15 days from the cloud and is not downloaded or archived, there are valid concerns about privacy violations and racial profiling.

In the past, the city of San Diego shut down thousands of ‘smart streetlights’ following fierce public outcry over privacy concerns. The city then approved special ordinances requiring more transparency and community input before adopting new surveillance technologies. However, the recent proposal by San Diego Police to install 500 new streetlight cameras throughout the city will provide the first big test of that new process.

The TRUST SD Coalition, which helped to craft these new city ordinances, requires thorough public vetting of new surveillance technology before it’s adopted by the city. However, the city has scheduled nine different public meetings on these proposed technologies next week, five of which are scheduled for either the early afternoon or late morning. This timing makes it difficult for working folks to participate in the process.

San Diego Police have said acquiring 500 cameras, including the license plate readers, would cost $4 million, and would be paid for through the city’s general fund, along with grants. However, as members of the TRUST SD Coalition point out, this money could be better used for other purposes, such as putting actual lighting on the streets, keeping libraries open, creating job programs, and creating after-school programs.

It’s time for Democrats to stop targeting non-white and low-income communities with more policing and violating their privacy. It’s time for them to live up to their progressive rhetoric and take actions that truly benefit these communities. As voters, it’s important to hold them accountable and demand transparency and community input on all policies affecting these communities.

Image Credit: Canva