Let’s make someone’s Valentine’s Day extra special!

We are partnering with San Diego County Assessor/ Recorder/ County Clerk, Jordan Marks, who will be identifying couples that may need some additional love and assistance with their marriage this Valentine’s Day.

Also, the Foundation will be paying the fees for the first 20 weddings on Valentine’s Day. Along with paying for the license and fees, we will be providing roses and a special gift for military couples.

We know it is expensive living in San Diego, especially for newlyweds. We want to help those starting out their marriage by providing some assistance!

You can help out! Below are different levels you can donate to and help a couple. As of now, we are helping the first 20 weddings, but if we get more donations, we will help more people!


If you need a little inspiration, here’s a classic Larry Himmel story from Valentine’s Day in 2008!
Larry Himmel delivers Valentine's Day roses around San Diego in 1997