Completely Democrat Run San Diego City Council Meeting Highlights Democratic Infighting and Failure to Serve Constituents

The recent Democrat only City Council meeting in San Diego was a prime example of the dysfunction and infighting within the Democratic Party. It showed that their focus is not on serving their constituents, but rather on serving their own interests and those of their friends.

Democrat City Attorney Mara Elliott’s accusations of a conflict of interest regarding Stewart Halpern’s appointment to the Audit Committee were met with criticism and pushback from other city officials. Councilwoman Vivian Moreno and a former interim city auditor both accused Elliott of using the conflict of interest as a pretense for political retribution against Halpern, who had challenged the city attorney’s opinion on the city auditor’s need for independent legal counsel.

The accusations and counter-accusations during the City Council meeting were a clear indication of the breakdown of trust and cooperation among Democrats. The Council’s decision to bring Halpern back for a vote and ask the state attorney general for clarification on the conflict of interest showed a lack of decisive leadership and the inability to make decisions that are in the best interests of the city and its residents.

It is time for the Democrats to take a step back, put aside their personal interests, and start focusing on serving the people who elected them to office. The citizens of San Diego, deserve better than the poor functioning government that the Democrats have been providing.