Issa Announces Legislation to Ban Mileage Taxes, Mileage Trackers

“Mileage taxes and the trackers that enable them must be stopped”

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Darrell Issa introduced the No Track No Tax Act, to prevent the funding of both a tax on how far Americans can drive, as well as mileage tracking devices that would calculate that distance.

“The establishment of a mileage tax is more than an attack on the freedom to drive. It singles out for the harshest penalty against those who need to drive the most for work, school, and on behalf of their families,” said Rep. Issa. “Even worse, the mileage tax is only enabled by a mileage tracker – a device that shadows drivers and captures everywhere they go. This is a dangerous government intrusion, and the potential for abuse and the exposure of personal data may be limitless.”

The legislation states that “No federal funds may be obligated or expended, directly or indirectly, to study, propose, establish, implement, or enforce any State, local, or Federal mileage tax, including through the funding of a mileage tracking program.”

Congressman Issa specifically noted that San Diego County’s Regional Transportation Agency’s (SANDAG) is proposing three new half-cent sales tax increases and a mileage tax for every mile driven to pay for an unprecedented $165 billion expansion of mass transit. Importantly, he added, SANDAG’s finance plan states, “Charging fees for the transportation infrastructure that people use – for example, charging users for each mile they drive on the highway – can change travel behavior.”

“San Diego has been ground zero for government efforts to impose its agenda on an entire community. The No Track No Tax Act will put an end to these plans and prevent their spread to all communities,” said Issa. “By prohibiting federal funds for any state, local or federal effort of this kind, we will stop the tracking and the taxing of your freedom to drive.”

“Last week, I also introduced the GAS Act to prevent a proposed government ban on the use of gas stoves in people’s homes. Mileage taxes, mileage trackers, and taking away your right to an appliance of your choice are hallmarks of government efforts not to tell you how to live better – but to tell you how to live.”