Navy Celebrates 100 Years of Aviation Excellence in San Diego

U.S. Naval Air Station North Island recently celebrated the Fleet Readiness Center Southwest for 100 years of excellence in aviation maintenance. 

The event featured 100th anniversary commemorative items, a car show, and proclamations from congressional districts 49,50,52 and 53, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, the Port of San Diego’s Board of Port Commissioners, as well as the cities of San Diego, Coronado, and Chula Vista. 

Fleet Readiness Center Southwest Commanding Officer Capt. Tony Jaramillo and Fleet Reading Centers Commander Rear Adm. Mike Zakowski also spoke at the event. 

All military personnel who have access to the air station were permitted and encouraged to attend. San Diego’s impressive history of military accomplishments has only continued, with the Fleet Readiness Center Southwest offering the latest example of the great work that has been done in our city.


Photo by Shaah Shahidh