Latino American Political Association Endorses John McCann for Chula Vista Mayor

Hello Mr. Castanares,

The Latino American Political Association’s decision to endorse John McCann for Mayor of Chula Vista was an easy one.  Mr. McCann met all the prerequisites LAPA views as essential for an endorsement.  We don’t endorse based on race or ethnicity, but on the candidates history of engaging with their community.  What have they done to improve the lives of their constituents?  If they have been in office and are running for re-election is their community better off now than it was prior to taking office?  What are the proven results for the actions or votes they have taken?

Mr. McCann’s years of service to the community of Chula Vista has a proven record of not only helping the entire community but specifically the Latino community.  Latinos start businesses at a faster rate than any other demographic in California.  He has helped over 200 Latino businesses with permits and business issues over the years… an example is Malania Lowe of the Otay Ranch Markets Nights.

Crime and safety is a priority to Latinos and everyone in Chula Vista.  Mr. McCann’s leadership has made Chula Vista one of the safest communities in the county.  He has worked with police for recruitment of officers with a focus on the Latino community so our officers will mirror the fabric and diversity of our community.  This is one reason the Chula Vista police have endorsed him.

He has also been very instrumental in addressing housing issues.  One specific case was a family who was trying to build a granny flat in the back of their home for their mother. They were 31 ft. short.  McCann took the initiative to search state regulations to see how to get the granny flat built. The result was an elderly Latina grandmother was able to keep her dignity and independence and yet be close enough for help, if needed. 

John McCann has coached and mentored youth via soccer teams as well. 

He also is against the vehicle mileage tax with the understanding that any additional fees or taxes have a direct impact his community.  Chula Vista is comprised of a diverse middle/lower income community.  This demographic will feel the impact of a VMT the hardest.  

Mr. McCann’s  continued leadership and fiscal responsibility is why LAPA  supports John McCann for mayor.


Delores Chavez

Treasurer/Past President