Laurie Edwards-Tate, MS, Director of the Board of Palomar Health, is Appointed to ACHD

October 7, 2022

For Immediate Release

Laurie Edwards-Tate, MS, Director of the Board of Palomar Health, is Appointed to ACHD

Laurie Edwards-Tate, MS, Director of the Palomar Health District Board, is recently appointed to the Education Committee for the Association of California Healthcare Districts (“ACHD”).

ACHD’s Mission is to support “the diverse needs of California Healthcare Districts through the advocacy, education and member services”.

According to Director Edwards-Tate, “It is a tremendous honor to receive an appointment from the ACHD, and help support and contribute my education and expertise as we address the variety of today’s needs and issues facing district hospitals in California.”

Edwards-Tate was elected to the Board of Palomar Health in 2018, and is currently an incumbent candidate in District Zone 3.
