San Diego Chief Deputy Assessor / Taxpayer Advocate Jordan Marks Delivers “Unprecedented Tax Savings” for Homeowners, Senior, Renters and Disabled Veterans

San Diego, CA — The 2022 assessment tax roll reflected a “unprecedented property tax savings” of over $260 million for San Diego homeowners, renters, seniors, disabled veterans and small businesses. 

The innovative outreach program, led by Chief Deputy Assessor / Taxpayer Advocate Jordan Marks, qualified over 469,962 homeowners/ seniors for $32.8 million in tax savings and $18.7 million in tax savings for 12,760 San Diego County disabled veterans. 

Marks led key outreach to affordable housing and homeless service providers that resulted in a record number of 5,254 non-profit entities, saving over $210 million in property taxes for organizations that provide affordable housing, senior low-income housing, homeless services, schools, churches, museums, and other charitable organizations.

Chief Deputy Assessor / Taxpayer Advocate, Jordan Marks noted, “Thanks to the law limiting property taxes on homes, no homeowner should lose their home due to unaffordable property taxes due to the recent skyrocketing home prices. At the same time, corporations are paying their fair share and governments will receive record high revenue from this reliable funding source for the tenth straight year to deliver key services, like schools and first responders.” 

Marks concluded, “The 2022 tax roll shows that San Diego County is the gold standard in fairness, transparency, and putting taxpayers first based on a nearly 100% accuracy rating in our assessment practices from a State of California audit and 98.6% positive customer service rating.”

San Diego County Assessor, Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. certified the 2022 assessed value roll of all taxable property with a record setting high of $679.15 billion, reflecting an 8.27% increase (or $51.8 billion) over last year. The 2022 assessment roll is based on assessed values as of January 1, 2022. Prop 13 limited 888,884 properties to a 2% assessed value increase – guaranteeing affordability for property owners and delivering record high revenue for key government services. The roll consisted of 1,011,214 real estate parcels, 55,071 business personal property accounts, 13,410 boats and 1,541 aircraft. The roll’s total net assessed value is $652.95 billion after deducting $26.19 billion for a record high reduction resulting in over $260 million in property tax savings for homeowners, disabled veterans, and charitable organizations.

Dronenburg commented, “While some Assessor’s offices have struggled, my extraordinary staff closed the tax roll on time and complete.” Dronenburg continued, “If we don’t close the tax roll on time then county services will be interrupted, taxpayers impacted, and we would see a cascading effect that would impact revenues for operating schools, libraries, parks, and other key emergency services.”

Highlights From the 2022 Assessment Roll

  • Assessed property values hit a record high of $679 billion (an increase of $51.8 billion or 8.27%).
  • Prop 13 protection applied to 888,884 properties, limiting their property tax increase to 2%. The 2% increase produced an additional $10.95 billion in assessed value.
  • Taxpayers received a record high $260 million in property tax savings, including homeowners, disabled veterans, non-profits, and affordable housing and homeless service providers.
  • Our Assessor’s office successfully implemented Prop 19, passed by the voters in 2020, and has timely processed all applications for senior exclusions from reassessment, helping thousands of seniors “upgrade their lifestyles without increasing their property taxes.”
  • Record high roll value was driven by a record high volume of changes in ownership since 2007.
  • Residential changes of ownership saw:
    • There were 65,338 reassessable events – a 17.5% increase over last year.
    • Record high home sale prices – an average assessed value increase of $338,735 per sale.
    • Residential properties produced an additional $26.955 billion or 39% of the roll value. (Residential properties include houses, condos and multifamily up to 16 units.)
  • Commercial and industrial changes of ownership saw:
    • There were 2,192 commercial reassessable events – a 51% increase over last year.
    • The average value increase was $6.2 million.
    • Fifty six (56) commercial new construction projects exceeded $50 million in assessed value (double the usual increase).
  • City of Lemon Grove realized the highest assessed value growth rate at 10.27%.
  • Escondido saw the lowest growth rate at 6.94 %.
  • City of San Diego had the largest value increase, adding $24.7 billion or 8.23 %.

Assessed values are available to property owners online. Please go to and click on the “2022 Notification of Taxable Value” link under “Assessor Services.” Assessed values and property tax exemption assistance is also available by calling the Assessor’s office at (619) 236-3771.

Photo Credit: San Diego County Assessor Facebook page