Barbara Bry for Mayor?

Councilwoman Barbara Bry is running for mayor. With her extensive background as an entrepreneur, having an affluent family, and a controlling personality, Bry feels that she has all of the experience necessary to be a great San Diego mayor.

However, the councilwoman is completely missing the mark in terms of being knowledgeable about her community, specifically the younger population. Councilwoman Bry recently announced a ban on electric scooters, undermining the new regulations enacted allowing the use of the scooters. She wants to instate the ban due to recent concerns about environmental and public safety hazards from the mismanagement of the scooters.

Her grand idea was to ban them indefinitely until the city could formulate a more detailed and thorough plan. Instead of developing regulations that could help the issue and enable scooters, Bry prefers impeding freedom of movement for our citizens.

It further illustrates that Councilwoman Bry is entirely unaware of her community because citizens were not even aware of the new changes. Younger children and tourists were being ticketed due to the lack of information. Not only does Bry not inform her constituents, but she has a complete disregard for them as well.

Moreover, if she is willing to take this approach with electric scooters, it shows that she will have no hesitation to do the same with more significant issues that require extensive discussion and flexibility. Just like her associate, City Attorney Mara Elliot, it’s her way or the highway. Bry has shown herself to be unwilling to consult her community about various issues, taking matters into her hands—which completely contradicts the whole purpose of being a mayor.

It also shows her lack of patience. In regards to the electric scooter situation, she issued the complete ban within the first month of the new regulations. She did not even let the regulations take effect in a meaningful way or pursue ways that the regulations could be improved upon. Her inflexibility and controlling personality serve as yet another example of her incompetence as a councilwoman—and as a potential mayor. 


Photo by Josh Esh