City Attorney Mara Elliot Grasping for Power

San Diego City Attorney Mara Elliot seems to have forgotten her position is nonpartisan and has left the city vulnerable for a lawsuit.

Gun owners across San Diego have seen their rights taken away by politicians for cheap political gain and our City Attorney Mara Elliot has revealed herself to just be another politician who isn’t willing to stand above the rest. This was shown by her recent attack on the Second Amendment rights of San Diegans.

Our Second Amendment rights have recently come under attack with people using uneducated rhetoric with regard to situations that they know nothing about. One incessant example of this is many quoting “AR” to mean “assault rifle” when, in reality, it means ArmaLite rifle, with ArmaLite being the maker of the weapon.

Mara Elliot, who was elected to protect our city from frivolous lawsuits, has set us up for one by introducing an ordinance that she is ill-prepared to enforce. She has attempted to use her political weight in an area that she has no business being in.

The San Diego City Council has the purpose of voting for legislation and ordinances that improve our city. The city attorney is supposed to advise and help the city with litigation, not add more unenforceable laws and impose on the council.

Mara Elliot is the epitome of what is wrong with local government. She is a bureaucrat who readily embraces an overreaching government and has shown that she would rather win a political battle than pursue sound law.

Gun owners across the city have argued that this law is unenforceable and unconstitutional. Elliot clearly has no interest in these objections, instead choosing to pursue her own political interests at the expense of gun-owning San Diegans.


Photo by Josh Esh