California’s Governor Newsom Discloses the State’s $97.5 Billion Budget Surplus, Despite Rising Crime, Homelessness, Water Shortages, and Record Inflation

Written by Blake Lopez

On May 12, 2022, at a Planned Parenthood office near downtown Los Angeles, Governor Newsom of California described what can only be labeled as “shocking”; California had somehow reached a 97.5 Billion dollar surplus in the budget. However, even with the empty promises of a possible bright future, if this large sum of money was to be dispersed efficiently and effectively, it seems that the inept leadership of Governor Newsom will continue to go unprovoked, even while millions of Californians feel the ever so rising levels of crime, homelessness, gas prices, and utility prices as a result of a drought cycle. 

During this same press interview, Newsom also gave his thoughts on the political weakness of the Democratic Party, describing his plan for California to be a state to launch a “counter offensive” against the steamrolling GOP on issues such as same-sex marriage and abortionist anarchists, according to Paul Rogers, Kayla Jimenez, Eliyahu Kamisher, and Marisa Kendall of The Mercury News. It seems, judging by this comment, as well as several other regards made later in the press interview, that Newsom plans to use this surplus of money to fund ultra-left wing, anti-conservative, and in this case, anti-democratic smear campaigns against the GOP of California, hoping to keep the fragile control which he currently has over the Golden State. 

Adding on this note, Newsom appears to also be denying any fault in the crippling socioeconomic state of California, rather reverting to the old liberal playing card of blaming Trump, “The MAGA group”. However, this tactic seems to not be working as well as Newsom would hope, as it seems that voters which once considered themselves to be staunch liberals, such as Hispanic and black voters, are in record numbers switching their alliances to the Republican Party, as described in a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal. Even liberal voters are starting to wake up from their long, utopian one-party rule world and beginning to realize the hard reality that California faces in 2022. Homelessness is nearly doubled since 2020, gas has risen to almost 7 dollars a gallon in some places in California, more specifically San Francisco, low-level crime has increased significantly, as well high profile crimes, such as rape and murder, and California seems to be unprepared to face another drought cycle, leaving millions of Californians most likely to face even more economic hardships as a result of having to pay more out of their pocket for water and utilities.

Photo Cred: Rich Pedroncelli /AP