Nathan Fletcher Weaponizes Hate Attacking Conservative Californians

Written by T. Logan Dayne

The beautiful city of San Diego has weathered its fair share not only from the COVID-19 pandemic but from the politicians that shut down by force many businesses and schools. County health officials went as far as to issue fines of $1,000 per day if any business was in violation along with misdemeanors. This helped to crush local gyms, stores, and businesses while corporate stores were allowed to stay open. This despite data being released at the time and largely under the pressure of California Governor Gavin Newsom. The chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors followed Newsom on these edicts to help not only shut down San Diego but keep it shut down. 

Despite criticisms from political opponents as his coming election looms, Fletcher has been endorsed by the SDUT opinion board. Fletcher says he is “unfazed  by the personal attacks and name-calling he faced.” However, this has not stopped Fletcher from his own spouts of name-calling. In a 2021 interview, Fletcher explicitly labeled those who pushed for a democratic recall of Newsom “extremists” and went as far as to call them “enemies of America”. Fletcher goes on in his tirade to try and link those involved in the recall effort as “neo-nazis” and “white- supremacists” although he provides no evidence for why he believes this and cites no sources.

Attempts to recall Newsom have been going on for years but Fletcher seems to be leveraging the Capitol Protest as a means to attack those who criticize Newsom. In the interview, Fletcher then attempts to defend Newsom, from whom attempts to follow, as he launches broad conspiracy claims against any who has questioned outside of those he sees as acceptable. Fletcher, former intelligence, is currently facing Amy Reichert for the 4th district chair in an upcoming election. Reichert is co-founder of ReOpen San Diego and is running on a position of restoring Life, Liberty and Love to the city through transparency and accountability.  

Photo Cred: CBS 8