City Democrats Look to Override Measure C and Impose More Tax Hikes

Written by William Hale

Democrats want nothing more than to take increasingly greater percentages of your hard-earned money. If you live in California, you are well aware of this political reality by now — Democrats are overwhelmingly represented in the Golden State’s Assembly and Senate, and it’s been over a decade since California’s last Republican Governor. 

As Democrats get what they want year after year it is no wonder why California is considered the King of taxes. However, in a recent interview with KUSI, Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio details how Todd Gloria and San Diego Democrats have taken their thirst for tax hikes to unprecedented levels. 

Two years after ballot Measure C didn’t reach the two-thirds voting requirement to raise taxes, San Diego Democrats are looking to override public sentiment through legal loopholes and a sympathetic judge. DeMaio described this behavior by local politicians as “election fraud.”

“This has been a real problem we’re having in California, for the past several years Democrat politicians have gotten liberal judges on the California Supreme Court, on California appellate courts, even at the district court level to agree to overlook the provisions of the constitution…” said DeMaio. 

The Reform California Chairman suggested that Democrats are taking the position that citizen initiatives written decades ago aren’t concrete enough for current elected officials to abide by. Of course, opponents of this legal interpretation like DeMaio disagree, but this dismissal of decades-old legal language by Democrats seems to be their primary justification for following through with their tax hike.

“…the Democrat city politicians, Todd Gloria and the Democrat City Council, they basically are saying ‘we just decided to declare victory, we’re just going to impose the tax’ … this is overturning the results of an election,” said DeMaio. 

If you want to help fight against the imposition of Measure C, visit

Photo Cred: City of San Diego/ ABC 10