The Truth Behind Assembly Bill 1400: The Democrat Attempt To Takeover Your Healthcare

Written by William Hekman

Over the last decade and a half, healthcare has been one of the most hotly debated topics in the political world. While some have proposed loosening restrictions to allow for more competition to lower prices, Democrats have been attempting to put everyone on government healthcare plans. Their latest attempt is currently gaining more and more traction in the California legislature with AB 1400. 

AB 1400 would bring single-payer healthcare to California and would put everyone on their new healthcare system, CalCare. Supporters of the bill say that this is a much needed change for California. Democrat Assemblyman Jim Wood of Santa Rosa said, “Just maybe, single-payer health can be the catalyst for that change.” But there are a ton of issues that come with this plan. Californians would no longer be eligible for Medicare and others say that money should be put towards fixing the Medi-Cal system. San Luis Obisopo Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham said, “It’s an untested, untried, experimental system in a state that brought you $20 billion in fraud at the EDD recently.” Assembly Minority Leader Marie Waldron of Escondido said, “Why not work on streamlining, improving and fixing Medi-Cal so that more people can access it rather than scrapping the whole system and starting over”. AB 1400 also allows anyone, regardless of their immigration status to apply for CalCare. 

Many have questioned how exactly the state is going to pay for it and what is the budget for such a massive plan. Assemblywoman Laurie Davies of Laguna Niguel highlighted the issues and the cost in a Facebook video.  The California Taxpayers Association has estimated that the program will cost $163 billion a year in new taxes. The total cost of the program will be $517 billion. But how California pays for it will be up to the voters, with Assembly Constitutional Amendment 11. The amendment will create 2.3% tax on businesses, a 1.25% payroll tax on businesses with more than 50 employees, and an additional 1% tax on businesses where employees make more than $49,900 annually. Individuals making over $149,509 in taxable income will see an additional 0.5% tax. But a vote on this amendment will not take place for another two years. Even some Democrats like Assemblyman Freddie Rodriguez of Pomona were worried about how such a massive plan would be paid for, “It isn’t free. Somehow, it has to be paid for.” 

AB 1400 is just another ploy for the Democrats to create another government system that ultimately will not work. The last thing Californians need is for their healthcare costs to skyrocket with inflation and rising living costs already gripping this state.

Photo Cred: Assemblymember Ash Kalra/Facebook