UCSD “Disingenuous” Claim to Return to In-Person Learning

Written by T. Logan Dayne

Many students at UCSD were excited to return to in-person learning after the school made the announcement that it would return to “in-person modes of operation”. Students have been paying full tuition for little of the benefits that come with their education including some of the more indirect ones that include campus social life. However, their announcement may be prematurely celebrated by students as some are claiming it is disingenuous at best.

Buried in the third paragraph of their press release states instructors may have classes, “ be taught remotely for this quarter, without requiring instructors to request additional approvals…” Parents were not happy as this statement appears to be an abdication of responsibility and liability from the school onto it’s instructors. One parent, who wished to remain anonymous out of fear of backlash wrote, “These students have done everything asked of them: vaccinated, second shot, booster, masks, social distancing, and no socializing in student housing. UCSD has an excellent track record of mitigating COVID through these efforts plus wastewater testing. San Diego is 80% fully vaccinated and UCSD even higher. Every professor and staff has had opportunity to vaccinate. I urge UCSD leadership to return classes in-person based on data!” The parent continued saying, “Many of these students’ majors are rigorous that don’t lend themselves well to the inadequacies of online much less asynchronous, which many have been doing since January 3rd. Online is not at the caliber of an in-person UCSD education.” UCSD says that because of “unusual circumstances”, the Academic Senate allowed an emergency limited-term exception. 

The school has also stated there will be no compensation for students who were expecting in person learning but professors have opted out and decide to remain virtual. “Tuition and fees are set by the Regents for all UC campuses and, under the circumstances, will remain the same. Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year” said UCSD. The school has also not announced how many classes are expected to return to in-person. Students remain entirely at the discretion at the professors with little idea what to expect while being kept in the dark by the school.

Photo Cred: Fox 5 San Diego