California Mom Sues School District for Allegations of Daughter’s Indoctrination

Written by Andrew Morris

A California mom is suing the Spreckels Union School District due to alleged coaxing of her daughter by several teachers to attempt changing her gender and pronouns, while simultaneously concealing her efforts from her mother.

The girl’s mother Jessica Konen stated in an interview with Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” on Tuesday that, “It made me extremely angry, and now I’m taking action for that.” She followed up saying, “I’m going to make sure that this doesn’t happen anymore.”

The complaint asserts that three teachers, including the principal Katelyn Pagaran, incited “extreme emotional distress” from their meddling. It adds that these teachers violated a law barring schools from overstepping their influence on a child, reserving this right for the parents.

The two alleged perpetrators Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki have received heat in the past for similar activities, including allegations of the former breaking significant privacy laws to indoctrinate students into their program.

When recruiting for their LGBTQ club called “You be You,” Caldeira reportedly said that she “totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren’t doing schoolwork.” This egregious behavior is a blatant break of professionalism on her part, by breaching the privacy of several students for a personal agenda.

Photo Cred: Istock/ AndreyPopov