Assembly Leader Waldron Calls Out California Government Takeover of Healthcare

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

The past two years of the Covid pandemic have taught us all many essential lessons, from public health concerns to making plans one day at a time. But the most effective teaching from the pandemic is that people use emergencies to gain more control, but they never relinquish control once the crisis has subsided.

We saw Democrats push for nationwide mail-in ballots to decide the 2020 election, then try to ram through the For the People Act to federalize all future elections. Now California legislators use Covid to pass AB 1400, which would put residents on a single-payer healthcare system, which politicians have tried here for over 20 years.

Ash Kalra (D-San Jose), who proposed this bill, stated that “I often say that the pandemic didn’t create the inequities we see, but it certainly exposed and exacerbated them. A lot of people have woken up to the fact that our healthcare system is not only inequitable, but there are a lot of people suffering — affected by COVID and dying from COVID — because they don’t have the same access to health care as others in our state.”

Regardless of citizenship, the bill provides all Californians free healthcare and eliminates premiums and deductibles. That sounds nice until you consider the price of “free” healthcare. Marie Waldron, Assembly Republican Leader, put out a statement criticizing everything wrong with AB 1400.

“In the Health Committee, I look forward to a robust discussion of the impacts of socialized medicine in California, including: how much taxes will increase on the middle class, how many people will be kicked off their current health care plan, what Democrats will say to the seniors whose Medicare funds will be raided, how long wait times will be, the extent to which bureaucrats will ration care and how many hospitals will close. Finally, I look forward to hearing Democrats explain how they plan to successfully take over more than 10% of the state’s economy when in the last decade they’ve proven themselves incapable of simple things like building a railroad, providing clean drinking water, keeping the lights on and filling potholes.”

Well said, Leader Waldron. If Democrats had listened to her, they would have abandoned their bad policies long ago. But power corrupts, and soon the Democrats will inflict their will onto their constituents, whether they like it or not.

Photo Cred: Anne Wernikoff for CalMatters