Because of COVID Mandates and Restrictions, Three Largest American Cities Have Essentially Banned Black Citizens From Certain Businesses

 The three largest cities in the United States have some of the most restrictive COVID laws, those cities being NYC, Los Angeles, and Chicago. But because of these policies, 50 percent of Black citizens of those three cities are essentially barred from entering businesses like theaters, restaurants, and bars. The biggest glaring point in all of this: all three of these cities are dominated by Democrats. 

In Chicago, 50 percent of African-Americans are not allowed in those businesses. Chicago requires proof of vaccination to enter restaurants and bars. According to the city of Chicago statistics, only 55.8 percent of African-Americans have received one dose of the vaccine while 49.7 percent have completed the vaccine process. Coupling this policy with the teacher walkout because of COVID, the city of Chicago is in disarray. In New York City, 59 percent of African-Americans have received one dose of the vaccine, and 52 percent have been fully vaccinated. In Los Angeles county, 57.2 percent have received one dose and 51.8 percent are fully vaccinated. The policies in Los Angeles are also negatively affecting Latinos, with an estimated 2.1 million Latinos being banned from businesses because of COVID policies. In all three cities, African-Americans have the lowest vaccination rate of any racial group. 

Democrat policies are once again negatively affecting African-Americans. The biggest supporter of these policies is none other than President Joe Biden. Biden has supported divisive  policies during his administration and even when he was in the Senate. 

Photo Cred: Tyler LaRiviere/Sun-Times