President Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate Faces Intense Pushback

Written by Bobbie Wylie

The deadline for President Biden’s vaccine mandate for active-duty military servicemembers passed on Wednesday. This vaccine requirement, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) says, will “decimate our military.”

Many critics have called this vaccine mandate one of Biden’s “most concerning actions yet.” The Department of Defense has reported that some 50,000 active-duty servicemembers may be lost due to the vaccine mandate.

In an interview with KUSI, Rep. Issa emphasized that the Biden administration has failed to think of the ramifications of throwing out combat veterans who have not gotten the COVID-19 vaccine by Wednesday’s deadline. Issa says that the “ripple effect will be a demoralized military.” 

All of President Biden’s other vaccine mandates, such as those pertaining to civilians in the workforce, have been blocked in one way or another by worker’s unions or judicial officers. The only loophole mandate the Biden administration has been able to keep intact is that pertaining to active-duty military.

Representative Issa has written to the president, asking him “where is the justice for those who go in harm’s way…those who have put their lives on the line?” Issa finds that President Biden is “picking on” men and women in uniform, by threatening to discharge every member of the military who does not receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The Marine Corps has yet to grant even a single religious exception to the vaccine mandate.

Recent data from the Department of Defense shows that over 90% of every branch of the US military is vaccinated against COVID-19. Meanwhile, the United States as a whole only has a vaccination rate of 72%, and the state with the highest vaccination rate, Vermont, comes in at 75%.

President Biden’s repeated disregard for our men and women in uniform, evidenced by this unnecessary vaccine mandate and his hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, is why Representative Issa has urged the President “not to be careless with the clear constitutional powers of his office and abuse his authority as the commander in chief.”

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