LAUSD Threatens to Enroll Unvaccinated Students in Underperforming School

Written by William Hale

The Los Angeles Unified School District will require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 by January 10th, but with 12% of LAUSD still unvaccinated, the educational future of 34,000 kids is uncertain.

According to LAUSD officials, those students who are still unvaccinated by 1/10 will be automatically enrolled at a different school: the City of Angels school. Just two years ago this small independent study school had an enrollment of ~1,500, however the City of Angels school (which is designed for students in need of flexible schedules like child actors) enrolled an additional 16,000 kids in light of parent hesitancy with the reintroduction of in-person learning. Now LAUSD is threatening an additional 34,000 kids to be enrolled in the City of Angels school.

California Policy Center President Will Swaim suggests that administrational chaos, teacher shortages, and tanking academic performance have characterized the City of Angels school as a result of their recent surge in students, thus another massive increase in enrollment would guarantee a meltdown of the school. 

All of this could be avoided if the LAUSD wasn’t so draconian in their enforcement of vaccine mandates, especially when the jab’s efficacy at interrupting transmission of the virus has been seriously questioned. Nonetheless, despite a significant 12% of the second-largest public school district in the US being unvaccinated, LAUSD remains stubborn with their policy. 

One has to wonder, how will this COVID vax-saga conclude? California institutions seem committed to enforcing mandates, but plenty of Californians are also steadfast in their vaccine refusal. Let’s hope the state takes a backseat in regard to individuals and their medical future. 

Photo Cred: California Globe