White House Has Been Coordinating With Media For More Favorable Coverage

Written by T. Logan Dayne

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post recently penned an op-ed entitled “The Media Treats Biden as badly as – or worse than – Trump. Here’s proof” in an attempt to convince his readers that the media hasn’t been kind to Biden, rather, if anything it has been harsher. The columnist goes on to state that, “the media are seving as accessories to the murder of democracy.” But coverage like this is just what the Biden Administration wants.

It is unclear if Milbanks has forgotten about the endless negative coverage of the last president, from debunked “Russiagate” scandals to the clearing of St. John’s Church. What is clear is that the Biden Administration is “not happy” with endless news reports detailing supply chain problems and soaring inflation. According to a new report, Milbank’s article appears to be part of a secret effort for news organizations to deliver “favorable” coverage of the president.

Officials in the Biden administration have been “secretly begging” for “favorable” coverage despite the surge of failing issues. The report by CNN reporter Oliver Darcy, goes on to say that senior White House and administration officials, “have been briefing major newsrooms over the past week.” Officials have been speaking to “anchors and reporters and producers,” according to the report. Trying to control the media for their own personal benefit is nothing new to this administration.

Early in her job as White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki had been reportedly soliciting journalists for the questions they planned to ask, effectively creating a screening process so she would know who to pick on and who to ignore. Even journalists favorable to the new administration expressed displeasure in this process. One White House correspondent is reported saying. “the press can’t really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions they want…That’s not really a free press at all.” 

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