Hillary Clinton: 5 years Late and A Few Votes Short

Written by T. Logan Dayne

Hillary Clinton emerged back into the public spotlight recently to reveal the speech she had planned to give after she won the 2016 election. Americans were saved this fate after the upset victory of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president. The victory astonished many in the corporate press who had done their best to impress their beliefs on why another Clinton should win. This astonished Hillary herself who conceded that she had never written a concession speech should the seemingly impossible happen. The idea that several blunders, such as calling many everyday Americans “deplorable” and a certain email scandal,  would potentially cost her the presidency was not thought of. 

Hillary is now publicly facing her defeat by giving a masterclass lesson, sharing the speech that she had planned on giving. In an interview with TODAY, Hillary believes that her presidency would have led to a renewal of democracy, a proof that every boy and girl can grow up to be the president, and that Americans embraced a “hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted America.”

She would go on to ignore a dubious career in politics including her time as Secretary of State and would instead attribute her loss due to people like Bernie Sanders and James Comey and issues such as misogyny, sexism, and voting laws. She made this explicitly clear in a 2018 speech saying her loss was due to, “old-fashioned sexism and the refusal to accept the equality of women, and certainly the equality of women’s leadership.” Clinton is revealing her would-be speech as part of the “MasterClass Presents the White House” series with former president Bill Clinton planned for future episodes, because the last thing this country needs is a class on how to run for president from a woman who ran not once, but twice for the office and failed in both attempts. 

Photo Cred: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik