California Planning to Become Abortion Sanctuary if Roe v Wade Overturned

Written by Vincent Cain

With over two dozen states waiting to ban abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court approves it next year, California abortion clinics and their supporters in the state Legislature unveiled a plan on Wednesday to make the state a “sanctuary” for those pursuing abortions. This may include paying for travel, lodging, and procedures for people from other states.

The California Future of Abortion Council, which is made up of more than 40 abortion providers and advocacy groups, has released a list of 45 suggestions for the state to consider if the high court were to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Some Democrat policymakers also helped write the list of suggestions, such as Toni Atkins, the San Diego Democrat who leads the state Senate.

Governor Gavin Newson said that some details from this report will be included in his budget proposal in January.

“We’ll be a sanctuary,” Newsom said, adding that he’s aware patients will travel to California from other states for abortions. “We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

For many low-income residents, California already pays for abortions through the state’s Medicaid program. California is also one of six states that require private insurance companies to cover abortions.

The report recommends public funding to support patients seeking abortion for travel expenses such as gas, lodging, transportation, and child care. Isn’t it is pretty ironic that you need child care to murder another one of your children? It is also asking lawmakers to reimburse abortion providers for services to those who cannot afford them.

Both sides of the abortion issue are already formulating how they will move on. CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, Jodi Hicks, said that “It will take a partnership and investment with the state” to provide abortions for those in other states. Jonathan Keller, president and CEO of the California Family Council, said that California has around 160 pregnancy resource centers that encourage woman to not get abortions, ” Even if we are not facing any immediate legislative opportunities or legislative victories, it’s a reminder that the work of changing hearts and minds and also providing real support and resources to women facing unplanned pregnancies”

Photo Cred: Andrew Harnik, Associated Press