Antifa Protestors Charged After Attacking Pro-Trump Protestors in January During PB Protest

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Though Antifa claims to stand for anti-fascism, they engage in plenty of violence to suppress their opposition (a key component of fascism). They, along with BLM, burned down our cities and looted our stores in the name of racial justice. Simultaneously, the liberal media covered for them and painted conservatives as white supremacists. Thankfully, here in San Diego, we take action against lawlessness.

This past week, San Diego prosecutors charged 10 Antifa members with violent criminal acts during a Pacific Beach pro-Trump rally on January 9 this year. The charges included direct action such as assault with flag poles and sticks to beat pro-Trump attendees, battery, arson, vandalism, conspiracy to riot, and assault with deadly weapons such a tear gas. According to the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, the defendants charged, “are self-identified to be affiliated with Anti-fascists or Antifa,”

While the liberal media would love to spin this as a clash between two polarized groups, only one side acted out. According to District Attorney Summer Stephen, “Video evidence analysis shows that overwhelmingly the violence in this incident was perpetrated by the Antifa affiliates and was not a mutual fray with both sides crossing out of lawful First Amendment expression into riot and violence.”

So while Trump supporters peacefully displayed their “Trump 2020” and “Stop the Steal” flags, Antifa rioters were busily pepper-spraying a man with his dog. And this goes to show that as both sides become more polarized, only one side (the Left) uses fear and intimidation to keep members in line. The 10 who have been charged in the attacks were charged with crimes such as assault, conspiracy to commit a riot, and illegal use of tear gas. Yet, on the other hand, we denounce our bad actors for their misdeeds.

It’s no wonder President Houseplant paints Antifa as “just an idea” when his entire party turns their head away from reality.

Photo Cred: Chris Stone/ Times of San Diego