California Democrats Look to Undermine Elections with SB 27

Last month, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 27, which would require all candidates in California elections to release their tax returns from the past five years. The bill comes at a time when numerous Democrats are pushing mercilessly for President Trump to release his tax returns. 

The bill is clearly unnecessary and merely an act of partisan politics. Completely hindering the ability of certain candidates to appear on ballots for not releasing private information is unconstitutional in several ways, and further brings to light the reflexive anti-Trump agenda of the left.

In fact, former California Governor Jerry Brown received an almost identical bill with the goal of implementing these exact changes. Governor Brown eventually vetoed the bill, delivering remarks about how the bill could set a precedent for future unnecessary election requirements being added.

The legislation is so legally egregious that the California Republican Party and the Trump campaign have filed lawsuits in response. In the Republicans’ lawsuit, they called SB 27 a “naked political attack against the sitting President of the United States” that “effectively disenfranchises voters by denying their right to associate for the advancement of political beliefs and effectively cast a vote for the otherwise qualified candidate of their choosing.”

The Constitution provides a clear standard regarding the qualifications for presidential candidates. The three requirements are that the candidate must have been born in the United States, resided in the U.S. for at least 14 years, and be at least 35 years of age. 

There is a reason we have a formal constitution that sets a strict framework for the government. Checks and balances were instituted by our Founders, which lay the institutional foundation for our branches of government. This isn’t to suggest that the system is perfect, but tampering with constitutional standards that have never been an issue—until this presidency—is the wrong way to go. 

Any logical politician will see flaws in this mindset, which threatens to undermine the government and civil society. Republicans are standing by the rights of the people and politicians alike, looking for progress to be made in government while upholding our constitutional order. 


Photo by Kelly Sikkema