Carl DeMaio Raises Over $450K in First 72 Hours from Online Grassroots Donors

Average contribution just $89 from more than 5000 donors; counting loan from candidate, campaign starts with more than $715K cash-on-hand after start-up expenses

San Diego — In just the first 72 hours of his candidacy for Congress, Carl DeMaio broke records for a Republican congressional candidate by raising over $450,000 from grassroots donors in the first 72 hours, with an astounding $250,000 of that coming in the first 24 hours along. More than 5,000 donors contributed just an average of $88.89 each. Showing sustainability, more than 300 grassroots donors contributed twice during the 72 hour period.

On top of the more than $450,000 raised in the first 72 hours of the campaign, DeMaio has made an additional loan of $250,000 and also transferred $36,200 from a previous federal committee resulting in more than $715,000 cash-on-hand after all start-up expenses are deducted.

That’s not all.

On top of funds actually received in-hand in the first 72 hours, DeMaio’s campaign still has roughly 3000 active pledges of support that will likely come in soon. DeMaio also has scheduled over 20 fundraising events between his launch and September 30 with over 150 host committee members committed to raise funds for those events.

“I’m so grateful for the support we’re receiving from grassroots contributors who believe that we can fight and win in California – it just takes a new model for how Republicans compete in a deep blue state,” said DeMaio.
“Carl DeMaio has built a grassroots money machine that will power his campaign to victory,” said Dave McCulloch of Capitol Media Partners who oversees DeMaio’s online fundraising efforts. “Look at the average contribution – you can bet those donors will give again and again to DeMaio as the campaign progresses,” McCulloch concluded.
DeMaio is running in the 50th Congressional District in California against indicted incumbent Rep. Duncan Hunter. A recent poll by The Tarrance Group shows DeMaio handily beating Hunter and all other Republican challengers by a comfortable margin. CA50 is an R+11 district and should be considered a “safe” Republican seat with a new nominee.
About Carl DeMaio:

At a time when too many politicians cave in on their principles or merely pay lip-service to their constituents, Carl DeMaio is a fighter who takes action for what he believes in. A successful businessman, DeMaio founded his first company by age 24, his second by age 29, and sold both by age 33. Since then, he has hosted a popular news/talk radio show on NewsRadio 600 KOGO, and founded Reform California – a grassroots campaign advocacy organization for government accountability and has blocked over $3 billion in tax hikes.

Now Carl DeMaio is running for U.S. Congress with a plan to shake it up by advancing a bold, fresh Reform Agenda and recruiting other principled reformers to run for office.

For more information on DeMaio’s candidacy, visit