Barrio Logan Coffee Shop Owner Faces Hateful Messages for Being Border Patrol Agent

Written by Sasha Reva

Even though some of the people hate him, he still wants to serve his community and change the vision of law enforcement. Barrio Logan coffee shop owner, Jeff Rambo,  is facing backlash because he’s a law enforcement officer, specifically a Border Patrol Agent. 

“It hurts personally in the sense this is my dream and someone is trying to tear it down,” Rambo spoke about the issue.  Rambo is the owner of Storymakers Coffee Roasters. 

In September, disparaging and libelous flyers began appearing around his shop and in the neighborhood. The flyers that were posted around his community, were accusing him of being a racist and were saying “No pigs allowed in our community” because of his work as a U.S. Border Patrol agent. On one of the flyers was a reference to a 2018 investigation. Rambo was accused of blackmailing a journalist to reveal her sources but Rambo was cleared of any misconduct. 

“I’d say it’s unfortunate,” Rambo said. “Whoever posted them never asked me about the accusations before posting, because they’re all untrue.” Not only has this affected Rambo as an owner but his employees as well. Rambo saw sales go down by 60%, which forced him to close for two days of the week, impacting two of his employees who live in Barrio Logan, ” When you target me and you’re jeopardizing the business, it affects them because I have to reduce hours, or an unfortunate aspect is if I have to lay them off because business is being impacted” said Rambo. 

“I definitely don’t think it’s fair. As long as he’s treating people right, I’m all for equal opportunity” said an unidentified man.  Rambo says that despite the negativity he will continue to pursue his passion and keep his store open. Rambo is just the latest example of cancel culture, tearing someone down not because of a bad act, but because of their profession or associations.