Congressman Darrell Issa Fires Back at Big Tech that Took Down, Then Re-Uploaded Speech

Written by Nathaiel Mannor

Congressman Darrell Issa, who represents California’s 50th congressional district, railed against YouTube after the site banned one of his speeches. The speech took place in July at the EDGE2021 conference in Las Vegas, where the Congressman applauded the success of the American vaccine over the Russian version. He used the Sputnik analogy, meaning that the Russians were first, but the Americans were better.

YouTube reportedly took down the video because it violated their COVID-19 “misinformation” guidelines. Naturally, Issa blasted them, saying “The fact that they’re sort of calling me a vaccine-denier when I’m talking about our product being better than a product from a country…shows just how much they’re making decisions based on who says something, not what they say.” Issa said that his speech was nonpartisan and given at a well-respected conference, ” The speech was about data and was a very nonpartisan speech”. When YouTube eventually re-uploaded his speech, that marked the end of the controversy. Wrong. Instead, Congressman Issa released a statement pledging to go after Big Tech.

In a press release today Issa said, “After years of accelerating hostility to free speech and nonstop efforts to silence conservative viewpoints online, it is way too late for anything but a pledge of transparency from Big Tech and a commitment of reform from Congress. If the current Democrat majority continues to block fair and justified legal changes that will empower speech and stop censorship, I will lead this and further reforms when that opportunity is at hand.” When his speech was originally taken down Issa said in a tweet, ” I pointed out that Russia’s vaccine program was inferior to Operation Warp Speed. And the Russians repeatedly exaggerated their vaccine’s effectiveness every time another country launched a better one. Is any free speech on vaccines allowed?” Issa is not the only person to say this, the mainstream media like the New York Times and the Associated Press have said the same thing. Issa said that Big Tech owes all people who have been censored an apology. 

But as long as the Democrats stay in power, Big Tech remains free to shadow ban their political opponents. They already suspended Rand Paul’s account over the summer when he dared point out the medical reality that not all masks are effective. Hopefully, the American people see through this sham and vote the Dems out of power come 2022 and 2024.

Photo Cred: K.C Alfred/ San Diego Union Tribune