Biden and Dems Approval Rating Crashes Due to Economic Performance

Written by William Hale

President Biden’s approval rating has fallen sharply since last spring. New polls from ABC News and The Washington Post illustrate Americans’ frustration with the president, with criticism of Biden’s economic performance sparking the drop in approval. According to the polls, the President’s overall job approval rating is 41% while 53% disapprove. 

The drop in Biden’s approval rating has come simultaneously alongside challenges for the Democratic party. 62% of voters say the Democratic party is out of touch with the concerns of most Americans, this can be largely attributed to the Democrats consistent advocacy for Critical Race Theory — a curriculum that most conservative, and even many liberal-leaning Americans are skeptical of. If the Democrats continue to disregard the input of parents regarding their children’s education, Republicans might come away with a record breaking victory in the November 2022 midterms. 

Nonetheless, economic failures remain the primary reason Americans disapprove of Biden and the Democrats. Notably, inflation has increased to the highest levels in 31 years, and as a result a whopping 70% of Americans say the economy is in bad shape, only 58% said the same just last spring. Biden’s approval for handling the economy has already fallen 6 points since September, with his overall approval of the economy down 39%. 

Despite the unfavorable numbers for Biden, two massive spending bills totaling over three trillion dollars have been produced under the Democratic-controlled federal government. On Monday, Biden will sign the one trillion dollar infrastructure bill, with the two trillion dollar “Build Back Better Plan” still under debate in congress.

Overall, these new polling numbers are good news for Republicans. ABC News notes that “if the midterm elections were today, 51% of registered voters say they’d support the Republican candidate in their congressional district, 41% say the Democrat.” That is the largest lead in midterm voting preferences for Republicans in 40 years. It is rare for the GOP to have such a statistical advantage, but of course, nothing is guaranteed only one year into the new administration. 

Photo Cred: Drew Angerer/ Getty Images