California High School History Test Groups Texans and Floridians With the KKK

Students from a California high school were taking a history quiz, and received a controversial multiple choice question about “a group of complete idiots” where the options were Ku Klux Klan members, Florida residents, Fox News personnel, or Texans. He took a screenshot and showed it to a family friend.  The question went as: 

Question 7 (1 point)

“A group of complete idiots” :

a “KKK”

b “all of Florida”

c “Fox News”

d “Texans”

After that, a family friend of the student posted a photo of the question. They believe that the question was intended to stoke division and generate animosity towards right-wing students.  According to one parent, the teacher has a history of making politically charged comments, primarily aimed at Republicans and conservatives

“I do believe that the intent of the questions on the test were to ridicule students who had conservative beliefs and make them feel bad for feeling that way,” a friend of the student, said.

“As always, Whitney High School is committed to investigate any campus incidents that may make a group of students feel uncomfortable so the Wildcat family can grow from them as we continue to become a strong family through shared experiences,” Principal Cutts wrote in the letter. 

Photo Cred: Wikimedia