City of Los Angeles Passes Vaccine Check for Businesses

Written by Andrew Morris

The city of Los Angeles this week has passed a law enforcing mandatory vaccinations to enter hundreds of restaurants and businesses.

The bill, which was proposed at the end of September, blew through the LA legal system to take effect at the end of this month. It will primarily impact the restaurant industry—which already has a significant lack of employees post-COVID—alarming many owners and businessmen who are stretched thin already. 

According to the bill, exemptions will be accepted under the condition that a negative COVID test given within 72 hours is shown at the door. Even if this is the case however, masks will be required and heavily enforced by the businesses themselves.

In its ordinances, it outlines several criteria for fines in violation of this new law. It states the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety will issue a warning on the 1st infraction, $1,000 for the 2nd, $2,000 for the 3rd, and $5,000 for every following infraction. Interestingly however, these fines are sent not to the individuals, but to the owners who are already under significant strain.

The bill does arrange for unvaccinated individuals to enter and use the restroom, as well as pick up to-go food, but with this single exception, the law will be tyrannically unforgiving to any perpetrators.

 In contrast to these clear-cut guidelines, specifications on what businesses are affected are vague and confusing. 

“There’s a tremendous lack of clarity,” said Los Angeles County Business Federation policy manager Sarah Wiltfong, last Monday. “Most retail shops are exempt, but shopping malls and shopping centers are included, which of course includes retail shops. This puts employees in a potential position of conflict, when they’re not necessarily trained to handle situations like that.”

In light of this, full vaccination entry requirements now include restaurants, bars, movie theaters, salons, gyms, convention centers, and arenas. 

“Vaccinating more Angelenos is our only way out of this pandemic, and we must do everything in our power to keep pushing those numbers up,” stated Mayor Eric Garcetti last week.

The almost depressing shortsightedness of Mayor Garcetti’s ideal forebodes of a continuation of the violation of freedoms under the guise of the greater good. Men like him are not only turning successful businesses into dilapidated wastelands, but encroaching on individual liberties which were only gained through patriotism and bravery. This agenda suggests that the end goal will be to force every man, woman, and child—regardless of age or ethnicity—into giving up their rights simply to continue living in our once great country.

Photo Cred: David McNew/ Getty Images