Youngkin Leads By Eight Points Over McAuliffe in New Fox Poll

Virginia Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin looks to be on the rise in blue Virginia after the release of a new Fox Poll that shows him leading, with only four days left until election day. Youngkin leads McAuliffe in a new fox poll, with 53% supporting Youngkin and 45% supporting McAuliffe. This is a big shift in the most watched race in America right now as two weeks ago McAuliffe was leading Youngkin 51%-46%. 

Among registered voters, Youngkin leads over McAuliffe by only one point, 48%-47%, two weeks ago McAuliffe had an eleven point lead 52%-41%. There are a number of driving forces that have helped Youngkin’s chances. One being enthusiasm among Republicans, who are eager to make a statement in a blue state after the 2020 election. 79% of Youngkin supporters described themselves as “extremely” interested in the race while only 69% of McAuliffe supporters considered themselves interested. 

The second factor is education. Youngkin has stated that he will ban critical race theory in Virginia on his first day while McAuliffe has rejected the notion that critical race theory is being taught in schools. McAuliffe also said that parents should not, “be telling schools what they should teach.” McAuliffe’s gaffes on education have led more and more parents to Youngkin. Youngkin is leading in moms by just two points but dads have given Youngkin a massive boost. Dads support Youngkin over McAuliffe by 23 points and say Youngkin has a better education platform by 21 points. Among all voters, McAuliffe used to lead in education by two points but now Youngkin leads by eight. Youngkin also leads in economy by 11 points and crime by 12. President Biden’s job performance is another factor as Biden’s approval rating in Virginia has tanked. 43% approve of Biden with 56% disapproving.

If Youngkin wins, this would be a massive gut punch to the Democratic Party in a blue state they need. It would also give Republicans a massive boost going into the 2022 midterm elections.

Photo Cred: AP Photo/Patrick Semansky