Disgraced Former Governor Andrew Cuomo Charged with Misdemeanor Sex Crime

Former Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo was criminally charged today on a misdemeanor charge of forcible touching. Cuomo resigned in August after months of battling a number of sexual assault allegations that plagued his tenure as governor after he became the darling of the liberal media because of his “response” to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Cuomo was charged in Albany City Court. Mariann Wang, the attorney for Alyssa McGrath and Virginia Limmiatis who are two of Cuomo’s eleven accusers said in a statement, “My clients are enormously grateful for the courage of the women who have come forward to speak the truth about Cuomo’s misconduct. Cuomo is being held to account as he should be, including by being forced to answer a criminal charge. We hope that all men who abuse their power by abusing women will see this and understand that there will be real consequences to their profoundly damaging behavior.” The misdemeanor charge of forcible touching is described as when a, “person intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose forcibly touches the sexual or other intimate parts of another person for the purpose of degrading or abusing such person, or for the purpose of gratifying the actor’s sexual desire.”

Cuomo was put into the spotlight by the media for his supposed fantastic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His press conferences were covered extensively and he became a darling to the liberal media. When his assault allegations came into light, the media promptly dumped him. Cuomo admitted to making advances such as jokes, hugs, and kisses and said that his humor is “insensitive”, “ “I have slipped and called people ‘honey’, ’sweetheart’ and ‘darling.’ I mean it to be endearing but women found it dated and offensive,” Cuomo said. “I take full responsibility for my actions. I have been too familiar with people. My sense of humor can be insensitive and off-putting.”

While only a misdemeanor charge it is a big step in bringing Cuomo to justice.

Photo Cred: Spencer Platt / Pool via Getty Images