Biden Administration Considering Giving Illegal Immigrants $450K

A new report has shown the Biden administration’s new policy idea when it comes to the border crisis: payments to illegal immigrant families who were separated under the Trump administration. 

According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, the Biden admin, “is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation”. Some families could earn up to $1 million and the total amount given to all families will be around $1 billion or more. This is more than what the families of victims of the 9/11 attacks received. While the Biden administration may think this is a great move and a way to bring back more Hispanics into the Democratic party, a demographic they are losing ground with, the idea does not make much sense both as a solution to the border crisis and the economic crisis as the country is currently facing an inflation crisis unlike any in recent history. A move such as this has the massive potential to backfire on the Democrats with the 2022 midterms almost a year away. House Republicans are demanding an answer from the administration and have called out DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, HHS Secretary Xavier Beccera, and Attorney General Merrick Garland. Forty-five House Republicans led by North Carolina Rep. Greg Murphy wrote, ” The rationale for this egregious abuse of taxpayer dollars is to compensate these persons for ‘lasting psychological trauma’. Do, however, note that these persons crossed into our country in a knowingly illegal manner, fully aware of the consequences of violating our rule of law.”

Instead of taking responsibility for the crisis, the Biden admin has blamed the Trump admin for the amount of children separated from their families. The Inspector General’s office reviewed the zero tolerance policy that was implemented under the Trump administration and said they, “failed to effectively prepare for, or manage, the implementation of the zero tolerance policy.” The report also called out former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 

This move is not only a desperate attempt by the Biden admin to reclaim a demographic they had a hold on for much of this century, but one that will be catastrophic for an economy that is already facing a number of issues. 

Photo CredL AP/ Gregory Bull