It’s Open Borders for Everyone Except At Joe Biden’s Beach House

While the Southern border is open for anyone to enter because of the border policies of Joe Biden and his administration. Biden has labeled those who support border security and the border wall as xenophobic and  racist. But apparently, walls are not racist when they are protecting your Delaware beachfront vacation home. 

Yes, Joe Biden has put protection around his $3.4 million beach house in Rehoboth Beach in southern Delaware. According to a Fox News report, “ the Department of Homeland Security recently secured a contract to build a $456,548 tax-payer-funded security fence around the president’s Delaware home”. Almost $500,000 to fence off the house of the same person who called the border wall “racist” and has not addressed the open border crisis that is plaguing the nation. Apparently the U.S government believes that putting protections up at Biden’s beach front home was more important than putting up protections at the Southern border and solving the border crisis. 

The border crisis has only gone from bad to worse for Joe Biden and his administration. Over 1.7 million illegal aliens have been caught crossing the Southern border, and we have all seen the caravans and makeshift villages of people making their way to the United States via the Southern Border. 

It should come to no surprise that Biden has prioritized his beach house over the border. He and his appointed “border czar” Vice President Kamala Harris have yet to visit the border, and there are no records of Biden ever visiting the border in his Senatorial career or when he was Vice President. However, Biden has been able to find the time to visit his home in Delaware almost every weekend of his presidency. According to CNN, Biden has spent all or part of 108 of 276 days in Delaware or at Camp David in Maryland. Most of his Delaware visits have been to Wilmington while he has only spent seven days at Rehoboth Beach.

Photo Cred: MRC TV