CNN’s Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo Attack Concerned Virginia Parent

Written by William Hekman

Last night, CNN’s Chris Cuomo went after a Virginia parent featured in a new ad for Glenn Youngkin, the Republican candidate for governor. In the ad, the Virginia mother expresses her concerns and frustrations about Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe was governor from 2014 to 2018 and twice vetoed bipartisan legislation that would require schools to notify parents when explicit content would be assigned to students. In the ad, the mother says, “He doesn’t think parents should have a say,” McAuliffe is already under heavy criticism when he stated a similar position during a debate with Youngkin, and many parents have voiced their concerns about McAuliffe’s positions on education. 

After the ad on Cuomo’s very low-rated show, Cuomo said, “The mom in the ad? She made headlines in 2013 for campaigning against Toni Morrison’s ‘Beloved.’” Beloved is a graphic and adult book that depicts scenes sex, violence, and slavery. Cuomo lauded the book as “one of the greatest novels in American history”. Cuomo then attacked the mom’s intelligence saying, “Her son was assigned to read it in an advanced placement English course, it’s college level. Smart kid. The parent? Maybe not so much.” 

Cuomo’s attacks should come to no surprise, as he has spent years attacking conservatives especially after his brother Andrew resigned as governor of New York after sexual assault allegations. Cuomo should also be the last person to attack someone’s intelligence since he has earned the nickname “Fredo” after the unintelligent Corleone brother from The Godfather movies. Cuomo expressed concern that this ad could help Youngkin in his race against McAuliffe, “You can dismiss the absurdity of this, right? What is this, like ‘Fahrenheit 451?’ No. This is modern day, and it is messaging that may work.” 

Cuomo did say one thing right: that the messaging may work, and that is because it is working. Many parents are supporting Youngkin because he is standing up against things such as Critical Race Theory, which McAuliffe has embraced with open arms. Cuomo’s insult could only lead even more concerned parents to consider Youngkin over McAuliffe. 

Photo Cred: CNN