Congressman Darrell Issa Helps Bring Another American Family Back from Afghanistan

Written by Sasha Reva

Representative Darrell Issa proudly announced that him and his team have evacuated another American citizen who worked as a U.S. Army translator and his wife from Afghanistan.

“Today, we can celebrate another American family we have helped escape from Afghanistan,” Issa said. “But the celebration can’t last too long because we have much work to do and hundreds of Americans to bring home to their loved ones.”

Congressman Issa has evacuated more people from Afghanistan compared to Biden, who left Americans behind.  Prince Wafa, who was a translator working in Afghanistan, traveled to Afghanistan to bring his wife home. He was a small business manager from San Diego. He contacted U.S. State Department on August 29th and had no response. After that he contacted Darrell Issa’s office and he was the one who saved his family. Issa has officially helped about 40 families to evacuate safely from Afghanistan.

“I am so grateful to Congressman Issa and his team for their dedication and nonstop effort to help me and my wife leave Afghanistan and come home to America,” he said.

“Prince Wafa provided outstanding support for our troops and bravely served our country when we were in need,” Issa said. “This time, he risked all by returning to Afghanistan to bring his wife home. The Biden administration left them behind and we didn’t rest until they were on their way home.”

A former U.S. Army translator and his wife safely returned home and they are really thankful for everything Congressman Darrell Issa and his great staff did for their family. Wafa and his wife are currently in a refugee camp in Doha, Qatar, the same camp where a bipartisan group of representatives including Congressman Issa were denied entry. 

Photo Cred: Office of Darrell Issa