Gas Price Rises to $7.59 in One California City

It seems like every single week that gas prices go up here in California (which they do). But in one rural California city, the price reached a level that no one could even possibly imagine. The central coast city of Gorda in Monterey County had prices for regular unleaded gas reach $7.59 and premium at $8.50. Los Angeles gas prices are averaging $4.52 according to AAA, so the prices in Gorda are quite the anomaly and the average price in Monterey County is $4.06 a gallon. Gas prices are expected to increase in the next few weeks. 

Gorda is located along the central coast of California, and actually has a history of having gas prices that exceed the average prices. The city has one gas station and there is not another gas station for a long time. A sign at the gas station says the nearest two gas stations are 12 miles to the south and 40 miles to the north. In July of 2019, the gas station charged $11.75 for a gallon. 

With gas prices continuing to go up and up around the state of California, it seemed like a price as high as $7.50 would be unattainable. But in a state like California, that is the reality we must live with. While many Californians probably won’t be passing through Gorda, it sure is indicative of the problems that are facing this state.