Breaking: Oceanside City Councilwoman Kori Jensen Survives Recall

Oceanside City Councilwoman Kori Jensen staves off a recall effort after some of the signatures collected were found to not be valid. 5,959 signatures were submitted to the City of Oceanside and 1,527 signatures were determined to not be valid. The minimum number of signatures required is 4,484 so petitioners missed the mark by 52 signatures.

Jensen was appointed to the Oceanside City Council back in February by a 3-1 vote by the council. The seat was vacated after Esther Sanchez was elected Mayor of Oceanside who also was the only no vote to Jensen’s appointment. Jensen was given a recall notice three months ago on the issue that her residency was in Carlsbad and not in Oceanside.

Jensen is the second recent council member to have a recall petition fail due to insufficient signatures. In 2019, Oceanside District 2 councilman Christopher Rodriguez faced a recall effort but failed and the effort expired in June 2020.

In a statement Jensen said, “I’m very relieved to be able to put this behind me and focus on working for the people in District 1. I’m very happy that we don’t have to put my district through a special interest election that costs the citizen hundreds of thousands of dollars when we have a regular election in 2022.”