Newsom Signs More Legislation. What’s Good and What’s Bad

Good news everyone, Sacramento is on vacation until January! That means no more authoritarian legislation that eats away at our freedom and no more mask and vaccine madness for the rest of the year! But, unfortunately, the bad news is that we have to deal with the legislation that Gavin Newsom signed into law over the weekend, and it’s not all bad but there are some bad ones.

For example, AB 398 prohibits the DMV from selling personal information for profit. That means we have protection from third parties attempting to strip us of our anonymity. SB 219 lets the auditor or tax collector cancel certain payments for those negatively affected by the Covid-19 lockdowns. SB 303 extends the five years by two years for Prop 13s protection of property values that keep them at the same rate. Finally, SB 274 mandates that all local agencies make all agenda items and documents public by email upon request. So far, so good.

One bill that Newsom vetoed, SB 660, hikes prices for getting measures on the ballot. This move favors the elite and could get Newsom in trouble with lower-class voters who could end up voting Republican. For once, Newsom did a promising job. It feels wrong to praise the Newsom since much of his governorship has been a disaster, so let’s move on to his latest blunders.

The governor signed AB 428 into law as a response to Measure K in San Bernardino, which sets a one-term limit and a $5,000 monthly salary for the Supervisors. AB 428 prevents us from determining terms and payments for our elected officials, once again restoring power to the elitist swamp. AB 1177 sets up a public bank. AB 675 forces elderly and disabled residents into monthly home payments vs. semi-annually. AB 339 lets people attend public gatherings by phone or internet rather than in person.

Overall this legislative year was so-so. Some bills helped the taxpayer while others hurt them, but Republicans did pretty good with some of the laws that passed in terms of California politics. And hopefully, with our continued effort to drive out the radical left, next year will be better.

Photo Cred: Sarah Reingewirtz/ LA Daily News