Former Sec. of State Rice Blasts Critical Race Theory

Written by Nathaniel Manor

As the gubernatorial election draws closer, all eyes are on Virginia, especially with Republican Glenn Youngkin tightening the race, giving Democrat Terry McAuliffe only a 2.2% lead in bottomless blue Virginia. How did this happen? That’s because most Americans don’t want CRT in public schools, a view that McAuliffe disagrees with as he favors critical race theory. Media outlets have debated this issue, including The View with a special guest among the conservative stars.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joined The View co-hosts to talk about CRT in public schools. Rice opposed CRT in the debate citing her experience growing up in segregated Alabama. She explained that Southern schools taught kids that black people were inferior based on their skin color and said CRT is a more “progressive” version, “One of the worries that I have about the way that we’re talking about race is that it either seems so big that somehow White people now have to feel guilty for everything that happened in the past…or Black people have to feel disempowered by race.”

Rice went on to say that you can empower black kids without demeaning white kids. Instead of that, we need to teach children to overcome hatred. “My parents never thought I was going to grow up in a world without prejudice, but they also told me, ‘That’s somebody else’s problem, not yours. You’re going to overcome it and you are going to be anything you want to be,’” Rice stated. It seems like a perfect message for kids, but not everyone was on board.

The screaming banshee, Joy Behar, fired back, claiming that parents should go along with their children’s curriculum. “If they are adamant and they don’t want you to teach what is going to be taught, period, they’re going to have to home-school their kids because this is not going to wash,” she said.

Secretary Rice quickly refuted her remark since many parents are already turning to home-schooling and added that parents should be involved in education matters. Parents own their kids and thus determine the values instilled in the education process, not teachers. Whoopi Goldberg joined Rice’s side and said that we shouldn’t teach children to be victims or victimizers, but we also need to teach the racist parts of history.

American history is filled with bigotry for a wide array of minorities. Still, our story is about overcoming racism, living up to our founding ideals, and extending rights to those disenfranchised. Unfortunately, critical race theory seeks to paint all white people as oppressors and levy legal discrimination to knock them down a peg in the name of equity. So for all the parents out there, it’s your job to confront racist teaching practices. If that fails, take your kids out of public schools and drain the left of its most valuable resource: your children, the future of the country.

Photo Cred: Darron Cummings/ AP