Biden and Lightfoot Caught Violating Mask Policies

Written by William Hale

Democrat hypocrisy was on full display over this weekend. President Joe Biden and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot were both documented violating their own mask requirements. The Chicago Mayor seemed to be unconcerned with her lack of mask wearing — Lightfoot self reported her own violation with a Twitter post on Sunday. In the post, Lightfoot is surrounded by dozens of mask-complying citizens who clearly know Lightfoot’s rules better than herself. Lightfoot was attending the WNBA finals game between the Phoenix Mercury and Chicago Sky. 

Of course, ordinary people have become accustomed to the flip-flopping mask and social distancing policies of most American cities since the pandemic emerged in March of 2020, yet Chicago’s mask mandate has been active since August this year, with the requirement extending all the way down to two year-old children. The mask requirements exist independently from vaccination status, Chicago makes no exceptions even for those fully vaccinated. 

Hopefully Lightfoot listens to the guidance of a top doctor in the Windy City, who suggests that once COVID cases fall below 200 in the nation’s third largest city, then the mask requirements could end. According to Dr. Allison Arwady,  Chicago has just over 300 cases, “We’re a little over 300 cases right now, so when we’re halfway in that substantial mark, we will recommend taking them off.”

Lightfoot wasn’t the only Democrat to demonstrate a lack of self-awareness this weekend, as Joe Biden and wife Jill attended a fancy night out at a D.C. restaurant. Mask mandates are indeed required indoors in the Democrat-dominated Capital and D.C.’s,  tyrannical policy is identical to that of Chicago’s: young children don’t get a pass on mask wearing, and vaccination status is universally disregarded. Both Biden and Lightfoot were ripped on social media and called hypocrites by a number of pundits.  

Frankly, I speak for many conservatives who are simply exhausted from wearing masks. If Biden and Lightfoot don’t want to wear masks, then fine — but don’t act above the law and violate your own policy that you have been pressing for extensively even as the United States begins to move passed the pandemic.  

Photo Cred: Brendan Smialowski /AFP via Getty Images