Sirhan Parole Rests on Newsom’s Decision

Written by Andrew Morris

Sirhan Sirhan, Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin, has been granted parole based on a California panel’s decision.

According to a recent voter poll, 64% of people are against Sirhan’s release. Additionally, only 20% of people are for the release. Several different groups of people were polled from August 30-31 in both English and Spanish. The poll was commissioned by James Lacy, President of the U.S Justice Foundation and was conducted by McLauglin and Associates, an established polling  firm who previously worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

On a side note, the poll also recorded answers for voters position of the death penalty. The final results stated 52.7% were for the death penalty, with 47.8% for abolishing it. This is a significant finding as it shows that Californians support for the death penalty has increased over the last few years. Sirhan had been sentenced to the death penalty but was given life in prison after the death penalty was ruled unconstitutional in California. 

As the decision continues to become more controversial, the final decision will rest on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s shoulders.

This comes as a significant risk to Newsom’s career however as his current approval rating stands at 52.7%, with 44.6% disapproval among voters, and 51.7% of voters think that the state is headed in the wrong direction. 

If Newsom decides to go through with Sirhan’s release, the result would almost definitely mean the end of Newsom’s already shaky position as governor, and possibly his whole career. 

Photo Cred: AP Photo/Gregory Bull, Pool